Christmas Tag


I was initially going to write another beauty review today, but after reading Stella’s Christmas Tag from her awesome blog called Simply Stella, I simply couldn’t resist doing it as well. Despite how stressful the holidays can get, with the shopping and holiday parties, I love the feeling of Christmas. I love walking by the beautiful window displays, checking out the Christmas lights, and feeling the sense of warmth Christmas gives to a cold and dark winter, especially where I live, where it is literally dark by 4 pm. Whether you enjoy Christmas or not, I hope you enjoy this tag.

What is your favourite Christmas film?

It would have to be Love Actually! The film brought together such a brilliant ensemble of actors and was funny, insightful, honest, and heartwarming all at the same time. There are so many scenes from this movie that continue to live vividly in my head till this day. From the confession of love using simple messages displayed on poster board to a young boy chasing his first love through an airport, there are too many memorable scenes to count.

Have you ever had a white Christmas?

I live in a part of the world where we often see snow in the winter, so I can’t remember exactly how many times this actually happened on Christmas day. However, I thought I would share some snow-related memories. My favourites include building a mermaid-shaped snow sculpture with my uncles and just sitting at home watching the snow fall gently to the ground. Of course, there are always the not-so-good memories too, like having to walk home for an hour due to all traffic comeing to a standstill due to the snow.

Where do you usually spend your holidays?

Either then trying to maximize on all the deals during the holidays, I like to just stay at home as well. It is nice to spend time just to relax and not think about work.

What is your favourite Christmas song?

For more traditional songs, I love “The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire).” The thought of sitting in front of open fire seems so cosy during the winter months despite that fact that I don’t even remember the last time I’ve seen a fire. I also will always love “Last Christmas” by George Michael.

Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve?

I’ve tried to despite my family’s disapproval. Haha.

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?

Let’s see. Dasher. Dancer. Prancer. Vixen. Comet. Cupid. Donner. Blitzen.

Yes, apparently, I can! Oh, and of course, Rudolph!

What holiday traditions are you looking forward to?

Our family is pretty standard when it comes to holiday traditions. My dad puts up Christmas lights and my mom brings out all the other decorations, including many Santa toys that sing and dance. My dad always has to get a “real” Christmas tree and we always open presents on Christmas morning.

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

My dad’s has to be real, but now that I live in a condo that doesn’t allow real trees, I have a fake one.

Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts?

I want to sound generous and say I love giving gifts, but I think finding the perfect gift for someone else is so stressful! I much prefer to receive them.

What is the best Christmas gift you have received?

Gosh, what does it mean to be the “best?” I can remember many gifts that I thought were thoughtful and meaningful to me. However, I think the Christmas gifts I received when I was younger during my family trips to Los Angeles were the most magical. My uncles showered us with presents under the Christmas tree. To us, they were truly like Santa Claus.

What would be your dream places to visit for the holidays?

I think the holidays should be spent with close family and friends. So my dream place would be anywhere I could spend time with them. Of course, Paris is always a good idea.

Are you a pro-present wrapper?

I would say “kind of” even though I’ve tried to be more environmentally-friendly the last few years. I don’t know if I am pro but I do use double-sided tape and like to fold everything neatly and precisely.

What made you realize the truth about Santa?

Honestly, I don’t ever remember truly believing in Santa Claus. Although, I have a terrible memory, so it is hard to say for sure.

Do you make new year resolutions?

I don’t ever really. I’m not sure why. I guess, I just tend to continually make new goals for myself throughout the year. You never really know when a goal will be achieved and when it is time to make a new one. Therefore, I tend not to put such a concrete time frame on resolutions.

What makes the holidays special to you?

I think it is just all the small details. The advent calendar I look forward to buying each year. Seeing the city aglow with Christmas lights. Feeling the warmth of the love shared between people despite the cold and dark winter. The sense of something magical in the air. I just can’t imagine if there was no Christmas. It would just be too depressing.

Wishing you a wonderful holidays!